I have been a commissioned Notary Public for: 8 years
I am willing to travel 50-75 Miles
I have closed around a thousand loans including Refinances, Reverse Mortgages, Purchases, Commercial Purchases, Debt Settlements, Structured Settlements, Applications, Etc
I have 3 laser printers, one of them is a dual tray
I have a 10,000 Notary bond and 25,000 E&O insurance
I am NNA certified and background screened
I dress 100% business even for last minute assignments and am very professional
I guarantee my work 100% the first time
I explain documents
I keep stocked up on all supplies so I am always prepared for any last minute assignments
My primary County is Erie, I also handle Crawford, Venango and Warren Counties
I look forward to working with you and developing a strong working relationship with everyone